The truth about Israel, in fact and in fiction

Discover Israel, the true story through a series of published articles, poems and novels. 

Israel The Story

Featured Article

Published research and articles from a variety of contributors on what is really happening in Israel.

Israel, An Apartheid State?

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid warns that Israel will face intense pressure in 2022 over accusations that it is an “apartheid state”. One manifestation of this is the recently published report by Amnesty International (AI), whose largely debunked findings seem to have found its mark in the minds of anti-Israel adherents who using incorrect statistics accuse Israel of practicing apartheid.

Israel The Story


A series of published articles revealing the real story, the facts about Israel.

Israel’s right to exist or theft of another’s land?

It is extremely difficult for rational people to understand the motivation of those who live in Europe, the UK, North America and elsewhere in the West, yet embrace monstrous dictators, ideologies, real apartheid, racism, and policies that leave only death and destruction in their wake. 

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A letter to my friend...

A letter written to Michael, my friend of many years. He has always been critical of Israel and my letter is in response to articles he sent me a few years back, from The Guardian in which he points out quotes from Illan Pappe and Noam Chomsky, whom he characterises as Jews critical of Israel.

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Israel - A Short History

With much being written about the Middle East it was inevitable that much hyperbole, if not outright distortions, lies and propaganda would flourish. The arguments and counter-arguments that have been bandied about are not to most Jews a debate or an intellectual exchange of ideas, but rather a matter of life and death. 

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Israel the Story

The Books

Rich, compelling, historical fiction, a story spanning generations, told over two books, grounded in the history of the Jews in Europe from the late 19th Century through World War II and the founding of Israel.

By A Mighty Hand

A fast-paced and thrilling story, where the protagonists live their lives against the backdrop of real events that took place in Europe in the 20th Century - a world of unimaginable hardship and hatred, culminating in the Holocaust. 


Toward Redemption

The second novel in the series, Toward Redemption weaves a compelling and very human tale of how global political decisions impact the lives of ordinary people, as the struggle ensues for the redemption of a people.


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Rodney Mazinter

The Poems

Poetry was always a central part of Rodney's life, both reading it and writing it. He published a few of his poems on his website - both about Israel and about his own personal life stories.
We hope you enjoy reading them as much as he did writing them.